Trigger Point Injection
Trigger Point Injections In Kansas City, MO
Release Chronically Tight Muscles
Did you know you might have issues with your trigger points and not even realize it? If you are dealing with chronic neck and back muscle pain, there is a high probability your trigger points, which are a group of muscles in your neck and back, have compressed and tensed up. This inevitably causes you enormous pain, muscle fatigue, and restricted agility. At Restore Muscle and Joint, our medical team not only specialize in spinal abnormalities, but also muscle spasms and pain.

If You Have the Following Symptoms, There Is a High Chance That Your Trigger Points Have Been Affected:
- Neck or Back Pain
- Restricted motion
- Muscle exhaustion
- Inflexibility of the spine
In the case of any of the above, one of our licensed and experienced specialists will administer an injection for your trigger point in order to alleviate and release the tension in any knots you may have. Prior to administering a trigger point injection, our detail-oriented staff will ask about your previous medical conditions to ensure that this course of treatment is suitable for your condition. For more information about our trigger point injections or to schedule a free consultation with our office, please call (816) 360-9652