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If you’re a federal employee and you’ve been injured on the job, filing a CA-1 form should be one of your top priorities. At Restore Muscle and Joint in Kansas City, we work closely with federal employees, including members of the Kansas City Mail Handlers Union, NALC Branch 30, and Kansas City KS Branch 499, to ensure you get the care and support you need as quickly as possible. With our team of orthopedic specialists, pain management experts, and physical therapists, we are here to guide you through the process of recovering from your injury and managing your claim.

When Should You File a CA-1?

A CA-1 form, or Federal Employee’s Notice of Traumatic Injury, must be filed immediately after a traumatic work-related injury. This includes incidents like slipping, falling, or any injury that occurs suddenly during the workday. The CA-1 is your official notice to the Department of Labor’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) that you’ve been hurt, and it begins the process of getting medical treatment and compensation.

Why You Should See Us First (Non-Emergency Cases)

In non-emergency situations, it’s important to visit a provider who understands federal workers’ compensation claims before seeking treatment elsewhere. At Restore Muscle and Joint, we have extensive experience working with federal employees and their unions. We can help guide you through the process of filling out your CA-1 form, making sure all necessary details are properly documented, and getting your treatment started right away.

By coming to us first, we ensure that your case is handled correctly from the beginning. We specialize in treating common work-related injuries such as knee, shoulder, back, and neck injuries, and we work directly with your union to make sure you’re getting the care and benefits you deserve.

Start Treatment Immediately — Even Without a CA-16

You may be wondering, “What if I don’t have my CA-16 yet?” The good news is, at Restore Muscle and Joint, you don’t need to wait for your claim to be accepted to start your treatment. We can begin treating your injury right away, even before your CA-16 form (which authorizes medical treatment) is issued.

This is critical because getting immediate care can prevent your injury from worsening. We’ll also work with you to ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed so that when your claim is accepted, everything is in order.

Orthopedic Specialists, Pain Management, and Physical Therapy Under One Roof

At Restore Muscle and Joint, we offer comprehensive injury care, all in one location. Our team includes:

  • Orthopedic specialists who are experts in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Pain management specialists who create personalized treatment plans to help you manage pain and improve function.
  • Physical therapists who work with you to regain strength, mobility, and flexibility.

With these professionals working together, we offer a seamless care experience, helping you recover faster and more effectively.

Proudly Working with Kansas City Mail Handlers, NALC Branch 30, and Kansas City KS Branch 499

We take pride in our long-standing relationships with Kansas City Mail Handlers Union, NALC Branch 30, and Kansas City KS Branch 499. These unions trust Restore Muscle and Joint to provide top-tier care to their members, and we work tirelessly to ensure that every injured federal employee gets the attention and medical care they need to recover.

Whether you’re dealing with a traumatic injury or repetitive strain, we understand the physical demands of your job, and we’re here to help get you back on your feet as soon as possible.

Our New Location in St. Louis

We’re excited to announce that we’ve expanded our services with a new location in St. Louis! Now, federal employees in the St. Louis area can benefit from the same high-quality care and providers that we offer in Kansas City. If you’re a federal employee or member of the NALC or Mail Handlers Union in St. Louis, you can count on Restore Muscle and Joint for your injury treatment needs.

Contact Us

Kansas City Office
Restore Muscle and Joint
4119 NW Barry Rd.

Kansas City Mo 64154


St. Louis Office
Federal Injury Centers of St. Louis
4225 Bayless Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63123
Phone: 314-439-1706